Sunday, January 10, 2010

Langeled over the weekend - New Gas Balance Alert on Saturday

This is a chart of Langeled's NTS input figures over the last 24 hours.
2010 01 10 langeled 24 hours
Paula pointed out that there was a new GBA on Saturday. The storage figures are released after 4pm and we won't see what has happened to storage until after that.

I won't be able to find out why Langeled dropped until Monday. However, looking at the situation now were are using short range storage today - which we really should not have to.

The problem is the usual one of resorting to storage as the first option rather than importing gas.

What is unsure is whether it is a market decision to stop importing via langeled or whether it is a technical priority (such as a problem with A Troll or something).

The market problem is that if someone owns stored gas and can sell it at a profit they will do so. If the stored gas is cheaper than an import then the stored gas will be sold. However, from a resiliance perspective we need the stored gas to maintain the system.

Today's demand is forecast at a relatively low figure of 421.3 (13.01). We should not be calling on short term storage, but it seems that SRS is being used.


Blogger John Baldwin said...

It must be a Norwegian technical issue as St Fergus also down.

Storage in UK is required not just for cold weather but to provide SECURITY for technical failures - if we lost Troll for a wek it would be difficult - Norwegian gas is conmtracted to Germany, UK only gets it if they have any extra

3:57 PM  
Blogger John Hemming said...

It is not sure that it is "technical" per se.

I understand that the Norwegians need some gas to reinject as well.

The odd thing is that on the day with highest demand we also had a low call on storage because NSS was so high.

Thanks for this, however.

4:43 PM  

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